Thursday, January 28, 2010

Politcal Venting

OK, So I am now and have always been a conservative, I make no excuses. I am who I am and what I see as common sense leads me away from progressive big government ideas. That being so, I have never liked our current president. I am one of those alarmist throwbacks who think that when a mans spiritual mentor is a radical, anti American racist that he probably shares at least some of those views, or at the very least can not help but be influenced by. I also don't like the man's policies so even without Wright I still couldn't get behind The One.
But on the moral side of things I tended to agree with several of Obama's campaign promises. Despite my political feelings I felt a great sense of pride in my country for electing it's first black president. I also felt that is was long past time we got out of Iraq, I hoped for an end to Don't ask Don't tell, wanted DOMA repealed or struck down by the courts, I wanted gitmo closed and America out of the torture business. (I said i was a conservative, not that I was a fan of Bush, you cant stick the law into into peoples marriages while tripling the deficit, and then create the biggest govt bureaucracy in American history and call yourself a conservative with a straight face. )

So one year in and None of those has happened!!!!!!!

We are still in Iraq, and have put 30,000 more troops into a country the Taliban all but abandoned already.

Despite a critical shortage of troops, especially linguists that speak Arabic for Christ's sake, and we are dismissing Linguists, specialists of all types, and infantry men/women of all sorts because of sexual orientation?!?!

Not only is DOMA still on the books but Obama paid my tax money for a federal Attorney to defend it. Fucking liar.

Gitmo's still open, we are still holding people without trial, on indefinite terms and without pressing any formal charges in either a civilian, or civil trial. Our Declaration of Independence holds ALL men created equal. Not just our citizens. Our Liberty and dignity demand that we treat all people with the respect we expect to be treated by them. that means if you have evidence they are a terrorist then try them. if you can't convict them you have to let them go. It sucks sometimes. Sure does, ask any cop. What starts with non civilian detainees ends up with citizens disappearing. there is not one instance in history that shows any other pattern.

Torture is stupid. It opens the door to justify further barbarism on both sides of the conflict while producing little to no reliable information. But we are still doing it.

The bailouts were a bad idea when Bush did them and will be just as bad an idea when porkulus II is passed.

The one big gov idea he had that I was even luke warm for was Health Care, if I am gonna get stuck with another poorly run, grossly inflated entitlement clusterfuck at least it would be one that was at making an attempt to heal people. I could at least call it a Noble stupid idea. But even with a full year and a Super majority could he even get that passed.

So what do we have. George bush II.

1 comment:

thomasangela said...