Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Been a while huh?

Ok so i haven't posted anything in about a year, so sue me. It's not like anyone but you read this anyhow dear.

I just have to rant a bit.

Someone today made a "funny" comment about how he likesme despite the fact that I am an unapologetic conservative?

Why on earth would i want to apologize for being a conservative. Mind you I said conservative, not Republican, if you can honestly call yourself a Republican after the Bible thumping Nazis got control you should not only apologize but you should also volunteer for the lobotomy.
Should I apologize for believing that every human being has potential? Or for believing that the smaller a government is the further it is from tyranny?

What is more heartless letting one person suffer the hardships of their own actions, or continuing to give that person just enough handouts to keep from starving and dooming then and generations of their descendants to poverty?
Am I cynical to not want to pay more taxes when I already give a quarter fo what I EARN to a gov't that delivers less than 10% of what it promises?

I am also a bit tired of being called a racist because I don't support a black president. I wouldn't support the pastiest of white men who propsed spreading my wealth.
